Frostonthedash: ewwwwww ur a freak
Me: Ewww, you're illiterate.
Frostonthedash: hahaha, did i spell ew wrong?
Me: You moron.
I manage to attract quite a few morons off of a certain dating site. There are a select few prize messages that I feel are so bad they must be shared with the world.
the names matthew...was born in comox, grew up in woss... left the island for the first time to go to japan when i was 17, graduated at carihi in 06, spent a year in calgary, six months in regina, a summer on the island, and the last 3 years i spent on the road, working... no home, no address... in a new place every week... i resently moved back home due to family complacations and touch of home sickness
More about mat-
like all kinds of music... all kinds, except gangsta rap and twangy country... i like many movies, exsept for sappy love stories, i read alot... more than most, but not so much novles as text books... geology, biology, physics, history, phycology, religion, quantuim mechanics ect..... ive read the bible and the koran, ive researched many religions and belief systems... i believe in phycics, astral travle and aleans... however i rarely talk about any of it, simply because 98% of the people i encounter dont care, or dont understand
i am extreamly easy going, pritty much content with everyhing... i have my low points, as does everybody elce... im crazy but im not insain... i enjoy keeping myself occiupied, either with good freinds or famiy... i spent enuf time alone to realize that true happyness is only real when shared... my loved ones mean the world to me... i will do anything, anything for those who i care about... im easy to get along with, people like me... kids like me, and older people think i have a good head on my shoulders, my mother is very proud and allways talks me up to people, aahhah...
What i do---
i am a abortist... in simple terms, i work with trees... i climb them, i cut them... i know alot about trees, every one is diffrent, and each one tells its hole life story to those who know how to read it... i embrace life... i love all animals, and all animals love me... im the kinda guy who can hand feed a wild bird, or ride a wild horse... i grew up in a logging camp... ive spent the majority of my childhood in the woods, mushroom picking, hunting and fishing... i like to spend as much time outdoors as possible... camping, hiking and just hanging out by a fire
My intentions---
i doubt very much i will find what im looking for on here, but i dont hurt to try... im not looking for my one and only... my little princess... im looking for a grown up down to earth mature partner to develop a relationship with... some one who has the strength to stick by my side threw thick and thin... ive been in to many realationships that dident last for someone my age... i loved them all and will never forget them, but our time together is done.... i have yet to meet someone who can prove to me that i will allways mean as much to them as they do to me... my biggest fear is finding someone who i think im going to spend the rest of my life with only to be screwed over years down the road.... one of my good friends was with a girl for 7 years, he took in her and her two kids.. resently she spent the 20 grand in his bank, pawned of 3/4 the stuff in the home and took off to alberta with some guy she met on the internet, leaving her two kids behind.... and this is not an isolated story... i see this happening to many many people... soo dont make me love you now, if you will not love me when im old and rinkled
What can be exspected of me----
Alright, now that you have an understanding of the faggotry I'm dealing with here we shall continue on...
i am hardworking, and honest.... i will allways have a steady income and be able to provide... i will never tell a lie, even if the truth will hurt... i will allways be active going places and doing things, i will never get violent, never yell or hit things.... i will allways help those who ask... but i will never take no guff from anybody if i dont think i deserved it... i will stand my ground and defend what i believe in or the ones i care about.. i will one day buy land, and build my own house, i will have kids, and be the father i never had, i will provide the opertunites i was denied, i will allways live my life in a steady state of advancement until the day i take a long walk into the woods to die in peace
i smoke pot, i dont do drugs, i will drink, but not often, and not to get loaded... i will smoke pot until the day i die, and i will never again touch any other drug, and i will never become a alchohalic